Mental health services for individuals and families wanting to grow and heal.

We are dedicated to delivering holistic, compassionate, and empowering counseling that extends beyond traditional talk therapy.

Dr. Heidi Schilling and her dog, Denali, after graduation at Texas State University.
Dr. Heidi Schilling in front of a pink background.
Denali the dog watching a little girl blow bubbles.
A mountain illuminated by alpenglow.
Dr. Heidi Schilling, Psy.D. and her dog, Denali, in front of a fountain.
Denali the dog wearing a necklace of flowers.
Dr. Heidi Schilling and her dog, Denali, after graduation at Texas State University.
Dr. Heidi Schilling in front of a pink background.
Denali the dog watching a little girl blow bubbles.
A mountain illuminated by alpenglow.
Dr. Heidi Schilling, Psy.D. and her dog, Denali, in front of a fountain.
Denali the dog wearing a necklace of flowers.
Denali the dog giving a high five to a little boy.
Denali the dog laying on a pink couch.
Dr. Heidi Schilling and her dog, Denali, with the Canine Good Citizen award.
Trees in front of a body of water and mountains.
Dr. Heidi Schilling, Psy.D., and her dog, Denali, outside in the grass.
Mountains in Alaska.
Denali the dog giving a high five to a little boy.
Denali the dog laying on a pink couch.
Dr. Heidi Schilling and her dog, Denali, with the Canine Good Citizen award.
Trees in front of a body of water and mountains.
Dr. Heidi Schilling, Psy.D., and her dog, Denali, outside in the grass.
Mountains in Alaska.
A path in the grass cutting through Denali National Park.
Denali National Park

Welcome to Alpenglow Counseling, LLC!

Considering therapy requires courage and vulnerability. We are happy you found our page and value the effort it takes to seek out services.

Clients who seek our support often arrive with overwhelming feelings of helplessness, shame, guardedness, and anxiety. They are frequently struggling to comprehend their own behavior and the underlying reasons for their actions.

We are told that working with us is akin to experiencing a sigh of relief. Clients share that they feel genuinely heard and validated, which allows them to finally lower their defenses, often for the first time. In turn, they no longer have to carry the pain alone and can begin to work through all the overwhelming feelings.

Our website will tell you a lot about how we practice and we hope that you find it informative. Whether you eventually find yourself in our office or someone else's, our desire for you is that you find peace and relief.

Welcome to Alpenglow Counseling, LLC!

Considering therapy requires courage and vulnerability. We are happy you found our page and value the effort it takes to seek out services.

Clients who seek our support often arrive with overwhelming feelings of helplessness, shame, guardedness, and anxiety. They are frequently struggling to comprehend their own behavior and the underlying reasons for their actions.

We are told that working with us is akin to experiencing a sigh of relief. Clients share that they feel genuinely heard and validated, which allows them to finally lower their defenses, often for the first time. In turn, they no longer have to carry the pain alone and can begin to work through all the overwhelming feelings.

Our website will tell you a lot about how we practice and we hope that you find it informative. Whether you eventually find yourself in our office or someone else's, our desire for you is that you find peace and relief.

What We Do Well

Help People of All Ages Heal through Evidenced-Based Treatment Tailored to Their Specific Needs

Therapy for Children and Adolescents:

Navigating childhood and adolescence can often feel perplexing and isolating, leaving youth feeling as though there is no outlet for their emotions. At Alpenglow Counseling, our goal is to establish a safe space where children and teenagers can process big feelings and feel heard.

Therapy for Parent/Guardians

Being a parent is hard. Children do not come with an instructions manual and each child is unique. The influx of information from the internet and social media can often present varying philosophies and approaches, sometimes with conflicting advice. We offer parents/guardians strength-based support, that is personalized to address the particular needs of their family.

Therapy for Families

Family dynamics can be complicated. Let Alpenglow Counseling support your family in healing relationships, creating healthy boundaries, learning conflict resolution skills, and learning how to communicate effectively.

Therapy for Adults with Trauma

Many adults are unaware of the enduring impact that adverse childhood experiences can have on their lives, even into adulthood. Furthermore, a significant amount of adults were never taught the necessary skills to manage their emotions effectively. Consequently, there are a lot of adults walking around, carrying a burden of pain and shame and utilizing coping skills that result in disconnection with others. Our aim is to assist you in understanding your reactions, lessening shame, helping you feel empowered, and begin healing from your trauma.

Here, you are safe amidst the shadows.
Together, we will find the light on the other side of the mountain.
Here, you are safe amdist the shadows.
Together, we will find the light on the other side of the mountain.

New to Therapy?

You’ll learn tools to feel content, be able to heal from and live with trauma, and become the best version of yourself. This is our process to get started.

Contact Us

Contact Alpenglow Counseling to indicate your interest in our services and the type of therapy that you are seeking.

Receive Response

You will receive a response to let you know if our expertise aligns with your needs.


Schedule an intake appointment.

Intake Paperwork

Complete your new client paperwork online through a portal link your therapist will email you.

First Appointment

 Arrive 5-10 minutes before your first scheduled session. Your therapist will come out to greet you in the waiting room.